As we approach the end of one school year, we need to complete a task in preparation for next school year. When the seniors graduate in June, we will lose one of our student representatives from our School Improvement Team, Sarah Parker. She will be taking her expansive skill set to the University of Wisconsin to complete her post-graduate studies. So now we need a replacement.
In addition, we are seeking another parent to serve along with Patti Groezinger. Patti has done a great job for us this past year, but has been the only parent rep and we could use a second one.
We are asking interested students in grades 9-10 to apply to fill Sarah's vacancy and are pursuing the services of another parent. Here are some details about the positions:
- the term will be for two years, 2010-11 and 2011-12
- meetings are held monthly, usually on the third Monday of the month, at 3:15
- there may be occasional task-specific meetings of short duration in addition to the monthly meetings
- there will likely be one half-day meeting prior to the start of school for the purpose of data interpretation and goal setting for 2010-11
- representatives selected are expected to serve as liaisons to other South parents and students
Applications for these positions are available through the South website by using the Parent tab and clicking on the School Improvement Team application.
Student applicants are also to use the South website, using the Student tab and clicking on the School Improvement Team application. Both applications are also available in the principal's office, if that is easier for you.
Applications are due to the principal's office by May 3. We hope to make our selections by May 17.
We thank you in advance for your interest.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
We Need Volunteers
Thursday, March 11, 2010
So Far, So Good
Well, earlier today we finished this round of the annual MME test (Michigan Merit Exam). This test, of course, is required of all juniors and is comprised of the ACT, WorkKeys, and additional content topics that are not covered elsewhere.
The MME testing cycle is one of the biggest undertakings we have all year. There is an old adage that goes like this, "He who controls the test, controls the curriculum". Like it or not, that's the way it is. The movement to state-mandated tests like these limits some of the freedom that was previously allowed in classrooms. It forces teachers to follow the prescribed curriculum much more closely.
There is another adage that is relevant to this topic, "What gets measured; gets taught". We are hopeful our students were well prepared for the tests they just completed.
I have my own perceptions based upon what I observed, and this is some of what I saw:
- a serious approach, from both students and staff
- a positive and confident atmosphere, again exhibited by both students and staff
- terrific attendance, of the 346 juniors scheduled for the ACT on Tuesday, NO ONE was absent
- attendance was great all three days, the highest absenteeism was on Thursday, with only four students absent
We won't know the results of the tests for a few months, but all signs are positive at this point. We can only hope the early indications hold true.