This is the first of many notices announcing that we will be handling much of the registration process for next school year via online access. Nearly all of what we formerly known as "The Principal's Packet" will be available online as of August 1st. We feel this will have several advantages over the previous method.
First of all, it will save money that used to be spent for postage. Even though it was sent bulk rate, there were so many inserts included in the packet that it was costly.
Secondly, it will save a great deal of volunteer hours that were spent collating the packets. Even though that service was free to us from the Mothers' Club, those same volunteer hours can be applied elsewhere.
Third, the information will be more current. In the past, the flyers had to be finalized so early because we needed time to make copies and get them ready for mailing. Now that everything will be online, it will be easier to keep all of the forms up-to-date.
We actually did a trial run for this type of endeavor with the Senior Packet that went online this spring. From all indications, it was successful and we received many compliments on the ease of use. That experience provided a good test for us and makes us confident we will be successful with the registration process.
However, another leap we are taking with the registration process is that all payments will be electronic. Parents (students) will pay for a yearbook, Tower subscription, or physical education uniform via credit or debit card. The voucher that used to be in the principal's packet will now be interactive, not unlike other shopping you would do online. If you want to purchase something, simply "add it to the cart".
One difference is that we ask you to print two receipts, one for your records and one to send with your son/daughter to registration. Of course, we will still require students to come to school for the on-site registration. That is where they will get their textbooks, locker assignments, and schedule. They will also pick up PE uniforms and spirit packs if they were ordered.
To many of you, this may sound like a simple change in procedure. But if you've been doing things a certain way for quite a while and with obvious success, the change can be unsettling. Registration for more than 1600 students is never easy, but we are hopeful the online registration will simplify the process and cut down on unnecessary paperwork and handling of money.
Wish us luck!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Going Online
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Finish Strong
This is the time of year when I often see at least a few seniors walking around with an early tan and glazed looks in their eyes. This year is probably no different.
As recently as yesterday, I had the opportunity to speak to one of our seniors that had been away on Spring Break. I just asked a simple question, something like "Well, you're getting near the end, how does it feel to be a senior?"
His response was a bit unusual but very honest, "Mr. Diver, I'm here physically but I'm not sure I'm here mentally".
That's exactly how I've usually felt upon the return from Spring Break. Some of our seniors never fully come back. Oh sure, they come to school but often they are just putting in their time. I would like to use this space to remind them to finish strong. It would be silly to blow a good thing with just a few weeks left of school before exams.
Although they have been accepted to college, more admissions offices than ever are looking at the 8th semester to insure acceptance. I can remember several cases over the past few years when students were denied their first choice of college/university because of weak grades during the second semester of the senior year. I don't want that to happen to anyone else.
So my advice is the same it would be to anyone in any job or with any task. Finish strong because you never know who is watching or exactly what the impact of their perception might be.
And good luck over these last few weeks.