"The community of Grosse Pointe South High School is committed to ensure that all Grosse Pointe South High School graduates demonstrate the knowledge, creativity and skills necessary to establish self-worth as independent, contributing members of society, prepared for life-long learning and success in a changing world."

Friday, June 26, 2009

More Dust...

It seems that every summer brings another onslaught of dirt and debris as we continue through projects approved through support for the 2002 bond issue. Here at South, at least we appear to be gettting closer to the end of these projects.

As I write this message, large construction equipment is tearing up the old Fisher lot and hauling it away. Hopefully, by the end of July, the parking lot will be put back together minus the large potholes that have existed there for years.

Regarding the newly created rehearsal space for Fine Arts, the roof for the renovated multi-purpose room (old boys' gym) is about two-thirds complete. Following that, ductwork for heating and cooling will be installed in the hopes of having this rehearsal space available for student use by mid-September. The dressing rooms and costume storage for that area should easily be ready by the start of school.

Probably more exciting for the average student, however, will be completion of the renovated Student Commons (old pool) and the relocated School Store that will be adjacent to this space. This area will be a real gem, especially in the eyes of parents and grandparents that attended South, or the High. The room has been retrofitted to be of optimal use, while protecting much of what made this space so unique in the first place. This area, too, should be ready for the start of next school year.

So while the contractors are busy making all of the updates required in the job specifications, I get to sit back and watch it all unfold during the quiet of summer. I am more than confident that South will be much improved by the time students return in early September.

Here's hoping you have a restful summer.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Not Just Another Day

As I sit and watch the clouds on the morning of Graduation Day, I can't help but reflect on the significance of the day. But I've come to realize that it really depends on where you are sitting.

As a graduating senior, of course it is a culminating event. However, for most of them it's just something to do and get out of the way. Sure, some seniors are very sentimental and caught up in the moment, but most of them just want this thing to be over.

As building principal, you're hoping for good weather most of all. And today is kind of iffy. The weatherman tells us there is a 30% chance of rain but we'll really need to watch the weather radar to make a solid determination on location--inside or outside. The significance of that decision at South carries some impact. The ceremony outside is striking. The building architecture and front lawn atmosphere create a very special and memorable event.

On the other hand, moving the ceremony to the gym is somewhat of a downer. The gym is usually much warmer and much more crowded. And I'm sure that if our only option was to hold it in the gym every year, the ceremony would be moved off-site to some other location. So we'll continue to hope for dry weather this evening.

For many of the parents, the significance of this event is much greater. It's not just watching the culmination of 13 years of formal education, but a rite of passage. For many students, this event provides a bridge to independence. In just a couple of months, many of them will be starting college in what seems like a faraway place. They will be on their own, in charge of their own decisions. When they come home, and when they study will be left up to them.

This can be very unsettling for many parents, especially the Moms. So there is some natural trepidation associated with this evening's celebration. Is it truly something to celebrate when your son or daughter gets ready to leave the nest? Sure it is, at least on paper.

And tonight that is how the ceremony ends. Graduating seniors will drop off their gowns and pick up their diplomas. But we all know it's more than just an exchange of goods. That piece of paper marks a special moment in their progression to adulthood.

From my seat, this is a good group of seniors that have made their parents proud. So enjoy the moment, and try to appreciate the rite of passage. And remember that there were some days that you didn't think this day could come soon enough.