"The community of Grosse Pointe South High School is committed to ensure that all Grosse Pointe South High School graduates demonstrate the knowledge, creativity and skills necessary to establish self-worth as independent, contributing members of society, prepared for life-long learning and success in a changing world."

Friday, September 3, 2010

Looking Good!

Well, here we are just a long weekend away before the students arrive. There is always a measure of excitement just prior to the beginning of a new school year, and that's a pretty good description of where we are right now.

For the past five days since the freshmen received their schedules, we have had many visitors daily as the new students mark a trail through the halls as sort of a dry run of their schedule. They have been observed practicing and re-practicing their locker combinations and getting the interior of their lockers ready for the crush of the new year. All of it is designed to avoid any pitfalls on the first day of high school (or embarrassment).

From our standpoint, we are very close to being ready. The custodians are buffing up the hallways, teachers are finalizing classroom decorations, and the contractors are putting the wraps on their projects. The building itself has never looked better in the my ten years at South. I can't tell you how much the lighting on the first floor of the main building improves the appearance.

Contractors are in the S-lot as I write installing the new fence that surrounds the lot on the boulevard side. They will work nearly the entire Labor Day weekend getting it ready for students and staff. Although the new gate is not likely to be installed by then, the rest of the lot looks 100% better than before.

A smaller project over the Labor Day weekend calls for refinishing the exterior doors to the main building. As many of you have noticed, they are weathered to the point they look unsightly. Most of the exterior doors should be finished by the time students arrive.

All in all, I think we're ready. There are still just over 120 students to register on Tuesday morning, but we have already processed 1530 students into the system for this school year.

In closing, I hope it has been a nice summer for everyone because at this point we are just about ready to plunge headlong into the school year.

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