"The community of Grosse Pointe South High School is committed to ensure that all Grosse Pointe South High School graduates demonstrate the knowledge, creativity and skills necessary to establish self-worth as independent, contributing members of society, prepared for life-long learning and success in a changing world."

Monday, December 1, 2008

It's Time For An Outside Look

Beginning tomorrow evening, we will be going through an external audit at South. The purpose is to see if we are doing what we claim to be doing in regard to school improvement. In this case, an external review team made up of five educators will take a close look at what we do, why we do it, and how we do it.

During two full days on December 3-4 the team will meet with many stakeholders of the South community. This list will include students, teachers, parents and administrators. The visiting team will take a close look at our specific school improvement goals and the rationale behind them. They will check to make sure we use data effectively and have instituted programs that address weak areas identified by the data.

This audit is part of earning "accredited" school status. Over the years, the process has changed as a result of legislation and changes in governing bodies. What used to be simply North Central accreditation has come under the umbrella of an organization called AdvancEd. This group has developed a process for school improvement combining No Child Left Behind (national) and Education Yes (state) initiatives. There are now seven standards and 40 indicators of success that must be addressed. The visiting team will look for artifacts or evidence of our commitment to the process.

An external review gives us a look at our school that we can't through our own eyes. Going into the audit, we feel we are in good shape. However, my greatest hope is that we will get honest feedback so that we can get even better. After all, when it comes to school improvement you should never be finished.

Wish us luck!

1 comment:

Brett said...

Mr. Diver,
As an alum of South I am happy to see that the school produced the moving an important play "The Laramie Project." When I was a student in the late 80's, the school was a wonderful place, but not very tolerant. I imagine this is true of many schools in the 1980's.
I had a few wonderful years at South, but still harbor my assumptions of the past; I am proud of you, my school, and your community.
I now teach English in Wisconsin after six years in the military and college in Montana. Thank you for the refreshing perspective.

Brett H
Class of 1988